The latest from Jenni Dobbin – Director of Field Operations

Wouldn’t it be great if every chaplain had at least one day that was 100% community funded?

Thanks to the efforts of so many of you wonderful LCC volunteers who have been instrumental in encouraging your chaplains to make use of the Champion Your Chappy fundraising tool, this dream is now a little closer to reality.

Some chaplains have raised thousands of dollars simply by setting up their page and sharing it. It’s a great tool, which is already helping to lighten the fundraising burden placed on LCCs and their chaplains. If your chaplain is yet to set up a page, please encourage them to do so – it’s really worth it.

To further aid you in your fundraising efforts, SU QLD is now working on developing an appeal to help you reengage with your lapsed donors. I look forward to sharing more details on this with you going forward. For a taste of what’s to come, please read the brief article in this e-news by our Director of Partnerships and Communications, Justin Tye.

At our latest meeting with the Department of Education and Training (DET), we received encouraging news that a majority of Queensland principals gave a high rating to school chaplaincy in the State Government Survey on Chaplaincy Services.

In the meeting, DET did raise some concerns about how fundraisers in schools are run. In short, the Department is happy for a chaplain to run a sausage sizzle or a similar event to help raise money in the school. What is not permissible is inviting a corporate organisation, like Subway or McDonalds, to sponsor a fundraising event at the school. This is a clear breach of DET’s fundraising policies. So please take note of this and inform your chaplains of this news.

The focus of the LCC forums this term will be on helping you to understand how to do your budgets for next year. I am hopeful that we will be able to provide you with the updated Chaplaincy Expense Rate for 2018 by early next term, which will of course enable you to better plan your budget.

Please keep an eye out for the invites to these forums or coffee gatherings by your local Field Development Manager. It will be really beneficial for you to take part in those.

Lastly, just a reminder that Staff Conference is on next week! As I mentioned in last term’s Chaplaincy Matters, SU QLD is covering the cost of your chaplain attending. I am sure it will be a great time for them to join with their fellow chaplains from across Queensland to share ideas, learn and be inspired to come back and keep doing the amazing work they do in your communities.

Thank you again for all you do to keep school chaplaincy in Queensland such a vibrant part of our schools and the wider community.