Peter’s CEO Update – New School Year

Schools may have only been back a few weeks, but many of their chaplains, as well as having a break have also been hard at work during the school holidays. They’ve been attending retreats, preparing their programs, and creating new resources for the year ahead. Many have also been leaders at camps.

Over the December/January break, we ran 21 camps and community outreach events – 885 children and young people attended camps and more than 200 attended community outreach programs. All this was made possible because of an amazing 480 volunteers – what an inspiring way to start the year.

Chaplains – whether at school, during extracurricular activities, or on camps – are often seen as role models to many children and young people. I don’t think students can ever have enough good mentors – there’s always something to learn from others, especially those who have life experience. It’s great to see students connecting with mentors from their communities through organised programs, or connecting with camp leaders during the holidays. This positive input from adults can be very beneficial.

The last few months have been busy for our office and field staff, who have been managing the application process for chaplains. But they’ve been encouraged to see the overwhelming support for chaplaincy. This year, 851 schools will receive NSCP funding for their Chaplaincy Service. Some Chaplaincy Services that were community-funded and applied for government funding will remain community-funded. Thank you for your patience during the past few months and for continuing to support your chaplain whatever the funding outcome has been for your school.

The new chaplaincy salary bands started in January. We have addressed this industrial relations issue so chaplains will earn according to their qualifications, experience and skill-set. We not only want to pay chaplains appropriately, but we also want to see passionate youth workers view chaplaincy as a viable long-term career.

Forums will be held around Queensland throughout the year to meet with LCCs – we want to better serve and work with LCCs, chaplains and the community with their local needs. So make sure you check the ‘calendar’ in these newsletters to see when there’s a forum in your area.

I am excited for what lies ahead, and I’m looking forward to sharing the ‘wins’ of 2015 with you all. Chaplaincy, and its impact on children, is only made possible with your help!

God bless,

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Peter James