Peter’s CEO Update

We’ve all heard the sayings… “Many hands make light work” or “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much”.

These are clichés, but at the same time, they are also true. They reiterate that team work is so important and that the work of one is much less effective than combining the work of many. This is very true for chaplaincy.

Chaplains are part of so many teams – the SU QLD team, the school community and their LCC – and without the joint effort, chaplaincy would not exist. Because chaplains are there to serve their communities, they must rely on their communities as well. All must work together for the cause.

As part of building relationships with the school community, chaplains write reports; participate in line management interviews and meetings; and complete annual reviews. They need to be accountable to the team that’s helping them.

Being part of the LCC team is also vitally important for chaplains. Chaplains cannot fundraise on their own – they need a team around them to equip them financially and invest their time into the vision. Chaplains write newsletter articles and help organise local fundraising events and activities to sew back into the people who financially help them.

SU QLD tries to resource chaplains and LCCs as best we can for the vital tasks they do. We do this by running quarterly chaplaincy in-service days; professional supervision sessions; LCC forums, the annual Chaplaincy Conference and producing Chappy Lounge and Chaplaincy Matters to resource chaplains and LCC members.

Thanks for hanging in there during the uncertainty of the High Court challenge.

Thanks for your patience and support – we’re grateful for the funding, but it’s a massive task to roll out the changes.

God bless,

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Peter James