From the CEO

Dear Friend,

I am so grateful for your ongoing commitment to furthering school chaplaincy in your local area.

I trust you had a constructive and successful 1st Term of 2016, and a relaxing Easter break with friends and family.

All schools will have kicked back into gear now, after the Easter holidays, for Term 2. A significant time in the calendar of most chaplains around the state, in Term 2, will be Chappy Week 2016 from the 14th-22nd May.

Chappy Week is an ideal time to shine a light on the amazing work that your school chaplains do in the school community, and to hold local fundraising events, while the attention and focus is on school chaplaincy right across Queensland. Local media and external organisations can often be more likely to help during this time because it’s a part of a larger context.

Be sure to have a look at all the included Chappy Week collateral, here, for more information and tips.

Thank you for the crucial, practical support that you provide to your chaplains. It really does make such a huge difference and allows the chaplains to spend more time caring for young people.

Best wishes,

Peter James

Peter James