Department of Education announcement, distributing Frontline funds and more…

Welcome to a new school year, everyone! We are excited to announce that 2020 is the 30th year of chaplaincy in Queensland schools – we have so much to celebrate this year. Our chaplains went away in Week 0 to prepare and encourage one another for the year ahead, but now we’re back and ready to start the school year strong! SU Chaplaincy is excited to be back serving in your school community in 2020, and I look forward to what this year holds.


The first thing to mention is the number of chaplaincy vacancies across Queensland. The beginning of the year is often the perfect time for a career change and this is true for chaplains as well. If your school currently has a vacancy, please know we are working hard to fill that with just the right person for your community. You’ll be glad to hear we inducted 45 chaplains in Brisbane and Mackay in January. It’s exciting to see so many new people passionate and excited to set out and serve in school communities.

Chaplaincy Recruitment

As you may be aware, SU QLD have embarked on a chaplaincy recruitment campaign to fill a number of vacancies across the state so more students and school communities can receive the social, emotional and spiritual support that school chaplains provide. If you know anyone who you think would make a great chaplain, please direct them to We also have new VET funding for the Certificate IV in Youth Work (CHC40413) starting this year, so anyone wanting to be a chaplain has the opportunity to gain the required qualifications.

Department of Education Announcement

On Friday, December 14th, the Department of Education announced funding for the National School Chaplaincy Program. An overwhelming number of our schools were successful for this funding which extends from 2020-2022. Local Chaplaincy Committees (LCCs) work very hard to raise funding to increase chappy hours, and these grant funds from the Department of Education are crucial to keeping your chaplains in schools for as many hours as possible. I know some of you were disappointed that you did not receive funding. If you are concerned, please check out this list which includes all schools who received funding. This was published on the Department Website on January 22. If you need more help, contact your FDM or call Field Support on 3112 6470 (please note that not all Service Provider have been added to the list, these will be updated by Term 2).

The Department of Education has updated its Chappy Work Plan, which needs to be completed early Term 1. Chaplains will need to complete the work plan, as well as the compulsory All Staff Training package and their E-Safety Professional Learning package. Have a conversation with your chaplain about their work plan early in Term 1, encouraging them to complete these compulsory documents.

Updated Budget

You will find an updated budget for 2020 on the newly named Community Dashboard (previously called Our Chaplaincy). There has been no increase in fees for Semester 1, 2020. Due to the late notification of successful services under NSCP funding, we have held off increasing prices for Semester 1 2020, so that LCCs can settle into the year. If your chaplains is due a salary band increase due to length of service or completion of qualifications, you will have received a letter from us.

Safe Internet Day

Safe Internet Day is coming up this February 11. No doubt your chaplains are all aware of the importance of this topic, but this link from the eSafety Commissioner has some great resources.

Frontline Funds

One of the events I look forward to every year is our Frontline Dinner. It’s a night of wonderful connections, chaplaincy testimonies and the opportunity to financially support your school chaplains. We were waiting to hear which schools were most in need after the NSCP announcement, but I’m now happy to announce that we have distributed $200,000 to schools across Queensland, directly from our Frontline funds. If applicable to you, your school community will have received an email about this.

That’s all from me for now, but welcome again to a new school year. I’m really looking forward to journeying alongside you once more in 2020 as we continue to support the work our school chaplains do. Blessings on your year,

Jenni Dobbin