Chappy Articles for School Newsletters

Each month, articles that can be included in a school newsletter by a chaplain are provided in Chaplaincy Matters.  Regular communication to the school community will help improve the understanding of what a chaplain does and help families and staff get to know ‘their chappy’ and the service being offered at the school. If people in a school community don’t understand what a chaplain does, or that the service even exists at the school, fundraising and other activities can be difficult.

Consider doing the following:

  1. Get permission from your Principal for newsletter articles and check if there is approval for the inclusion of a Bible verse before you use one.IMG_6049_Newsletter articles
  2. Call it something like ‘Chappy’s corner’ or ‘Food for thought’. Include a photo of yourself – you want the school community to recognise you.
  3. Finish the article with your name e.g. Chappy Jan.
  4. Have at least one article a month included in your weekly school newsletter, weekly if possible.
  5. Below are 5 articles for the next month – provided by Chappy Teresa. Teresa has been a chaplain for 12 years and is now a regular Chaplaincy Matters contributor sharing articles she has prepared for her school newsletters over the years. Teresa has also given chaplains permission to put their own names to her articles – so that they can be a personal message from chaplains to their school community!

Other articles have been available in previous editions of Chaplaincy Matters.

Article 1 – the theme is about CHANGES

Food for Thought

CHANGES – at this time of year many of us are facing these. Some people are entering the workforce for the first time, some are changing jobs, moving schools or moving to another town.  All of these situations can make us feel very anxious. Even the thought of what a new year might bring can cause people to worry.

If you are feeling a bit apprehensive about your future, can we suggest that instead of worrying about what might or might not happen, develop a more positive attitude, an excited anticipation of what the future holds in store for you.

If there are going to be big changes in your life, see these as perhaps an opportunity to meet new people, to make new friends and to enjoy new experiences.

Worrying will steal your enjoyment of life. Have nothing to do with it. Instead start looking forward to whatever this next chapter of your life might bring.

A message from Chappy……..

Article 2 – the theme is about Choices

Food for Thought

Choices are something we all have to deal with in almost every area of our lives – what to wear, what to eat etc., but we can often overlook the impact that some of our choices can make on our lives.

Wrong choices can often be enticing because they offer a quick way of getting things we want e.g. stealing from others or shoplifting. Some wrong choices can lead us to think we might be more popular if we go along with the crowd e.g. getting drunk with friends or sharing drugs that friends offer us.

Please remember that though some choices may seem very attractive, they can also be deadly. Going along with others and refusing to make wise choices can create in you an appetite that you will do anything to satisfy, as in the case of drug addiction or alcoholism.

When it comes to making choices in your life, take time to consider long-range effects. Keep away from people who want to draw you into doing things that you know will harm you. True friends wouldn’t do that.

Good choices have positive long-term effects. They guard your health and happiness. Wrong choices have the opposite effect.

A message from Chappy……..

Article 3 – the theme is about Criticising Family Members

Food for Thought

It is easy to become critical of the ones you spend most of your time with – your family members. If you are spending too much time concentrating only on people’s faults that is when family unity can break down. If you want to have good family relationships or a good marriage you have to accept the fact that these don’t just happen by accident, they need effort and commitment.

So the next time you find yourself being critical about someone in your household instead of gossiping about them, allow yourself to be motivated by love and spend time mentally listing their good points; the things you like most about them.

Yes, there are times when differences of opinion need to be talked through but don’t do this while you are angry, wait til you’ve all calmed down and discuss things quietly.

 A message from Chappy……..

Article 4 – the theme is about Encouragement

Food for Thought

One of the things that all of us benefit from is encouragement. When you are feeling tired or are anxious about a situation in your life, a few well thought out words from a friend or family member can give you that emotional lift that helps you to pick yourself up and keep going.

However, it is very easy to get so involved in your own needs and wants that you don’t even notice when someone other than yourself is struggling. In a school community as large as our own, there are many opportunities for you to get alongside someone who may not be having the best of days.

If you notice that someone seems unhappy, don’t just walk away. Why not take a few minutes to talk to them, to offer your support. If they need more help than you can give, why not accompany them to talk to someone in Student Services.

Looking out for others is something that we should all be doing. Please play your part in making our school a truly caring community.

A message from Chappy……..

Article 5 – the theme is about Gossip

Food for Thought

Gossiping is something that we have probably all done at one time or another. Do you enjoy having the latest bit of news to share with others? You might ask, ’What’s wrong with a bit of gossip?’ You might feel it’s quite harmless.

The opposite is true. Gossip is extremely damaging. It has been known to destroy relationships. Long term friendships have been destroyed by a few carelessly spoken words. In the case of Facebook gossip there have been people who have committed suicide because of things that have been said about them.

In many cases the story that has been passed around turns out to be untrue, and yet it has still caused immense emotional pain. It has been said that gossip can sometimes cause more pain than a physical wound.

The next time that you feel tempted to pass on an interesting story about someone else, stop for a moment and consider the amount of pain that your few moments of enjoyment might cause. Treat others the way you want to be treated and refuse to pass on gossip.

A message from Chappy……..