Chappy Articles for School Newsletters

Each month, articles that can be included in a school newsletter by a chaplain are provided in Chaplaincy Matters.  Regular communication to the school community will help improve the understanding of what a chaplain does and help families and staff get to know ‘their chappy’ aStrathpine West SS - Gideon Blazey -  028nd the service being offered at the school. If people in a school community don’t understand what a chaplain does, or that the service even exists at the school, fundraising and other activities can be difficult.

The next edition of Chaplaincy Matters will be out in February, so the articles below will cover you for the start of school as well as the last week of school.

Consider doing the following:

  1. Get permission from your Principal for newsletter articles and check if there is approval for the inclusion of a Bible verse before you use one. If you can’t include a Bible verse, edit the thought pieces that have been provided and remove the bible verses.
  2. Call it something like ‘Chappy’s corner’ or ‘Food for thought’. Include a photo of yourself – you want the school community to recognise you
  3. Finish the article with your name e.g. Chappy Jan
  4. Have at least one article a month included in your weekly school newsletter, weekly if possible
  5. Below are 5 articles for the next month – provided by Chappy Teresa. Teresa has been a chaplain for 12 years and is now a regular Chaplaincy Matters contributor sharing articles she has prepared for her school newsletters over the years. Teresa has also given chaplains permission to put their own names to her articles – so that they can be a personal message from chaplains to their school community!  Five articles were also included in the October and November Chaplaincy Matters.

Article 1 – the theme is about Christmas – The Perfect Gift

Food for Thought

As we head into the start of December many of us start to think about preparations for Christmas celebrations. A lot of people can become very stressed about finding that ‘perfect gift’ for various family members and friends.

Take a minute to consider this though. One of the other things that we tend to do at Christmas is that we think of loved ones who are no longer with us. We value these people not because of the money they spent on us or the presents we received from them. Instead we value them mostly because of the love that they gave to us.

Although there is nothing wrong with giving and receiving presents, the truth of the matter is this: your friends and family members are amongst the most valuable gifts that you have ever been given. Don’t be so busy with preparations for Christmas that you miss out on spending quality time with these people. Your time is what they want and need the most.

A message from Chappy …….


Article 2 – the theme is about New Year Resolutions

Food for Thought

Were you one of many people who made a new year’s resolution as the clock struck midnight on December 31st? In the majority of cases, those heartfelt promises are long forgotten by the time you reach February.

So why do ‘New Year’s Resolutions’ usually fail? My theory is that the problem lies within the first two words of those promises. When we say, ‘This year I will be a better husband, wife, son or daughter. This year I will work harder at being the best that I can be. This year I will try harder to control my temper, swear less or smoke less.’ whatever the need may be, we are giving ourselves 365 days to get around to making any changes. There is no urgency, no immediate action required.

If there are things about you that you would really like to change, can I suggest that you replace the words ‘This year’ with the word ‘Today’.

When a person decides ‘Today I will work harder at being the best that I can be,’ ‘Today I will work harder at controlling my temper,’ this does require urgency and does need action.

If you know there are areas in your life that need changing, work hard today at making those improvements. You are the one who will benefit the most.

 A message from Chappy …….


Article 3 – the theme is about New Year

Food for Thought

Here we are at the start of another year. Although it is true to say that there are some things in life that we have no control over, it can also be said that the amount of effort we put into having a good year will have a marked effect on how much success, satisfaction and enjoyment we will actually experience.

Regardless of whether you are an adult or a young person, adopt a positive attitude and when you get up each morning make a commitment to get the most out of your day.  Do your very best at every task that is set before you, and refuse to allow unimportant things to upset you or to steal your happiness.

I would therefore like to encourage you to work hard at making 2015 your best year yet. Don’t just hope that you will have a good year, be determined that you will.

A message from Chappy …….


 Article 4 – the theme is about Habits

Food for Thought

Have you ever noticed how you tend to adopt the habits of those with whom you spend most of your time?

If your friends are constantly swearing, there’s a good chance that ‘you will find yourself using those same offensive words.

If your friends are always getting into fights, and you still choose to be around them, then there’s a very real chance that you’ll become involved in their violence.

Take a long look at the characteristics of your closest friends. Seek out the genuinely caring and thoughtful people, who have habits that you would be pleased to adopt as your own.

A message from Chappy …….


Article 5 – the theme is about Dishonesty

Food for Thought

DISHONESTY – Cheating and telling lies are so much a part of life these days. It seems so easy to cheat when we know that nobody is watching, and what about those ‘little white lies’ that people say are not so bad? The rule seems to be that lies only matter if you get caught out. The truth of the matter is quite different though – all lies and deceit affect our lives, they create conflict and damage relationships.

The more dishonest we are, the more likely we are to be found out. We then lose people’s trust and respect, and our friends no longer want to be around us.

Think about it – do you find it easy to like or to love someone you can neither trust nor respect? Of course not.

Is ‘truthful’ a way that people would describe you? If not, make a commitment today to change. The result of your efforts will be that your friendships and relationships will become much stronger and who wouldn’t want that?

A message from Chappy …….