Chappy Articles for School Newsletters

Each month, articles that can be included or adapted for a school newsletter by a chaplain are provided in Chaplaincy Matters.  Regular communication to the school community will help improve the understanding of what a chaplain does and help families and staff get to know ‘their chappy’ and the service being offered at the school. If people in a school community don’t understand what a chaplain does, or that the service even exists at the school, fundraising and other activities can be difficult.

Consider doing the following:

  1. Get permission from your Principal for newsletter articles and check if there is approval for the inclusion of a Bible verse before you use one.
  2. Call it something like ‘Chappy’s corner’ or ‘Food for thought’. Include a photo of yourself – you want the school community to recognise you.2014_Lisa'sStory_005_300CMYK
  3. Finish the article with your name e.g. Chappy Jan.
  4. Have at least one article a month included in your weekly school newsletter, weekly if possible.
  5. Below are 5 articles for the next month – provided by Chappy Teresa. Teresa has been a chaplain for 12 years and is now a regular Chaplaincy Matters contributor sharing articles she has prepared for her school newsletters over the years. Teresa has also given chaplains permission to put their own names to her articles – so that they can be a personal message from chaplains to their school community!

Other articles have been available in previous editions of Chaplaincy Matters.

Article 1 – the theme is about Helping Others

Food for Thought

In recent weeks I have been amazed at the generosity of both individuals and organisations in our region who have come together to assist and support people who have been affected by recent natural disasters.

Can you imagine how great it would be to live in this area if we were all looking out for people’s needs at all times, not just in times of turmoil?  Today, try opening your eyes to the needs of others around you and whenever you can, offer to help. You will discover that there is a real feeling of fulfilment and satisfaction that comes from knowing that you have made a positive difference to someone’s day.

Consider the idea that – the more you care for others, the more they care for you.

A message from Chappy……..


Article 2 – the theme is Laziness

Food for Thought

Every day brings opportunities to experience and enjoy a productive life, but many people let their lives just slip by, accomplishing little. These are the people who often complain of boredom and disappointment with life, but they are often too lazy to take the time to investigate ways of improving their current situation.

What about you? Are you making the most of each day or are you unhappy and just wishing that things were different? If there are things in your life that you know you could change for the better, stop wishing and start considering your options.

If you need a bit of advice to help you, please understand that you are never alone. There are many wonderful organisations such as UnitingCare Community who can help you with relationship or financial advice. Here within our school community, we have Guidance Officers and other support staff, including myself who are available to you.

Don’t waste one more day. Start making the effort to live life to the full.

A message from Chappy……..


Article 3 – the theme is Appreciating the Value of Life

Food for Thought

Over the years I have spoken with several students, staff members and parents who have had to face the very frightening situation of being diagnosed as having a life threatening illness.

How do you think you would cope if you had to face a similar crisis?

At first you might feel bitter and even angry, but once the initial feelings of shock have passed, there is a good chance that you would discover an inner strength that you never knew existed, as well as a greatly increased awareness of what really matters in life.

You might have heard of people who have gone through this type of situation and who have actually come to a point where they have admitted that a part of them is almost glad that they went through this trial because it taught them to not take life for granted, the way they used to do.

Isn’t it a sad fact that some of us have to face the possibility of losing our lives before we actually start to appreciate the many good aspects that our lives are filled with?

Please don’t take your life for granted. Take the time to consider the blessings that your days are filled with. If there are people in your life that mean a lot to you, then let them know that and treat them well. If there are problems in your life that need fixing, make an effort to sort out those difficulties, instead of just allowing them to continue. Look after your health and treat your body wisely. Take control of the quality of your life and enjoy it to the fullest.

A message from Chappy……..


Article 4 – the theme is about Complaining and Arguing

Food for Thought

Earlier in the year I heard a speaker talking about the year ahead.  The audience were challenged to consider giving up two things in their lives that may be having a negative effect on them.

This made me think of a couple of things that almost all of us are guilty of doing – complaining and arguing.  If you think that this doesn’t apply to you, try to get through just one whole day without saying something negative either to someone or about someone.  You’ll be amazed at how hard that is.

If someone or something is upsetting you, make the decision to not keep talking about the issue – without fuel the fires of anger will subside.

Why not give it a try and give up – complaining and arguing.

A message from Chappy……..


Article 5 – the theme is about Friends and Peers

Food for Thought

Friends – The people you spend most of your time with will have quite a marked effect on the way you live and act as you will find yourself adopting a lot of their habits and hobbies.

Peer pressure is often referred to as being a bad thing, but that’s not always the case.

If you choose peers whose ways are good, then they will probably influence you to behave in the right way.  On the other hand if you choose friends who are constantly getting themselves in some sort of strife, then it won’t be long before you find yourself being led into doing things you don’t really want to do.

Remember, it’s your choice.  Think of the characteristics that you like most in people and then look for friends who display those characteristics.

A message from Chappy……..